
Every up and coming business—may it be a physical or online store—needs a good marketing strategy to thrive. With all the hype about digital marketing and search engine optimization, it’s easy to forget one important visual element that plays a massive factor in your business’s growth: business signs!

There’s a reason why almost anyone in the world can recognize the classic McDonald’s sign even without the fast-food chain’s name written on it. Seeing the yellow-colored letter M on a red background automatically makes you think of burgers and fries, right?

That’s the power of business signage. Even with the rise of digitized marketing strategies, nothing can capture a potential client’s attention like that of a well-thought-out and well-crafted business sign.

Furthermore, signage can convey your business’s message to your customers with a single glance. It reinforces your branding design and advertises your products and services all year round. Also, it is a practical way of grabbing the attention of thousands of people without spending over and beyond your marketing budget.

Most Popular Types of Business Signs

Are you ready to take your advertising strategies to the next level? If so, then the first thing you need to know about business signages is that it has a long list of kinds and types.

But the good thing is that you will have plenty of types to choose from based on your business needs. There are outdoor signs that can help tell potential customers what you have to offer. Once your sign convinces them to go inside, you can fill their visual senses with your high-quality indoor or storefront logo, reinforcing your outdoor signage.

There are limitless options, but we can help you decide the best one for your company by discussing the most common types of business signages: what they are, their structure, and their purpose. Read on to know and learn what signage can bring the biggest impact to your store!

1. Blade Sign (Illuminated and Non-Illuminated)

These signages are the ones you see perpendicularly mounted on a store’s wall or a building facade, which allows it to face pedestrians and potential visitors.

A blade sign can be an effective marketing strategy, especially in places with a lot of foot traffic. Since it sticks perpendicularly, it can easily pull the eye of passersby from different directions and lure them into your establishment. 

2. Monument Sign

Monument signage refers to outdoor business signs that are constructed on the ground. This is the perfect signage for business venues located away from the bustling street or at the far end of a location not immediately seen by consumers.

For example, if your store is located far away from the entrance, you should place a monument sign at the location’s entrance to tell visitors that you’re here and ready to serve.

3. Wall Signs of All Types

Unlike blade signs, wall signages are affixed to your outdoor walls, which can tell customers who you are and what you offer. There are various kinds of wall signs that you can install based on your branding style or store theme. This includes:

  • Traditional flat signs

  • Individual letters

  • Lighted wall signages illuminated from within or behind.

4. Pole Sign

This type of signage is mounted on a single pole. It can contain your business’s logo and name, a promotional poster for your upcoming sale, or an informative display that talks about your company.

You can place these flexible outdoor signs in varying locations, even miles away from your physical store.

5. Directional Sign

If your business complex has many rooms and floors or occupies a massive land space, you should invest in directional signages.

These signs act as directories that point customers (usually walking or inside their vehicles) to where they want to go. You can generally spot these things in malls, business lobbies, and large amusement parks.

Additionally, you can also use a directional sign if your establishment is situated away from the public or busy streets.

6. Temporary Signage

Temporary signs are used to promote a short-term event or tell customers about a specific happening, such as an ongoing renovation or your grand opening.

The main idea is to create a sign that’s functional, flexible, easy to install and remove, and, more importantly, cheap but durable. This is a great option and marketing strategy for your seasonal business events that won’t leave a huge dent in your bank account.


7. Window Sign

Window signs (also known as window decals, graphics, or stickers) refer to commercial signages that you can see on a store’s window or any glass surface. It’s an aesthetically pleasing way to advertise your store’s name, a sale, promote one of your products, or display your contact information.

Various kinds of window signs include:

  • Vinyl lettering or images and graphics printed on self-adhesive vinyl material.

  • Clear window decals

  • Opaque window decals

  • Perforated and frosted window decals

8. Roof Sign

Roof business signs are large visual elements that can catch an entire community’s attention. This kind of sign leaves a lasting effect in the public eye and on your potential customers’ minds. 

It is exterior signage located on the roof of your physical store that bears either your business name, logo, branding design and other information. The bigger the sign, the better so customers from afar can already know where to find you.

The key is to customize it in a way that leaves a lasting impression on your consumers. This includes choosing a pleasing color combination, borders, fonts, and lighting.

9. Neon Sign

Does your branding have a retro-chic or 80’s vibe to it? If so, then you can boost your business by investing in a neon sign. 

Your neon sign can contain your business name, logo, an “open” sign, or information about your business. Restaurants, cafes, and boutiques continue to use this type of sign as it has an unwavering power to grab a customer’s attention. 

However, you should consider every factor in designing your sign, such as the color combinations of the light, background, size, and theme. Coordinate with professional sign makers to create impactful and iconic neon business signs.
