
There are countless options to consider when it comes to marketing your business. There are social media campaigns, print media advertising, paid search, SEO, and the list goes on and on.

However, not every method of advertising is created equal. Some are more expensive than others and don’t get you very impressive results.

And some will allow you to reach your target audience, but you’ll still have to target lots of people who aren’t even likely to become customers.

But there is one simple solution that does work.

First, we’re going to talk about why yard signs are a great way to advertise your business. We will also go into detail on how to make yours and use it effectively.


Advertise to the Right People

While social media and online ads do offer a degree of customization and targeting options, they aren’t perfect for everyone.

You could spend a lot of money investing in these without targeting a high enough percentage of your target audience.

If you’re a local small business, your target audience is limited to that area only. Therefore most of the people who are online will not be included in that.

So unless your service or product is special enough to encourage people to travel long distances to get it, your target market should be the local people that are close and in your local area.

And that’s where yard signs come in.

Anyone who sees your yard sign will already be close enough to check out your business, which means that you won’t have to worry about wasting money on ads that don’t bring you sales.

They Are Affordable

Most methods of local advertising are not cheap.

Whether you look at radio commercials, billboards, television, or even PPC social media ads, a small business marketing budget can quickly be eaten up and have little to show for it.

Yard signs are less expensive comparatively speaking and can help you tap into a large portion of your target audience.

Other forms of local advertising also have pretty big upfront costs and money continually needing to be poured in to remain effective.

For example:

  • Radio and TV ads have both paid time slots and production costs.

  • Online ads have either daily, weekly, or monthly fees.

  • Print ads must go through production and then be mailed out.


Spread Awareness of Your Brand

Suppose your business is only in one location. In that case, your brand awareness is limited only to that one area and through word-of-mouth.

But the advantage of yard signs is that you can spread them all around your business area to generate awareness. As a result, more people in your area will become aware of your services, your business’s logo, and your name. This is a great option and is used well by realtors, roofing companies, and landscaping businesses.


How to Create and Market a Yard Sign

Can it really be the case that a simple sign can be so powerful? Yes, if done right. Here is how you should make your sign and position it.

  • Work with a midwest sign company in Kansas City, like Midtown Signs, if your business is in KC for optimal results.

  • Place your sign far enough away so that potential customers will have time to read it and take in the information while pulling into your parking lot or driving by.

  • Place your signs in heavy traffic areas.

  • Prioritize drivers in where you place your signs. For example, you should put a yard sign near a busy road rather than in front of an office building.

  • The bigger your sign is, the better your response rate is likely to be.

  • Your sign should include a simple CTA (call to action). For instance, a contact number for them to call.

  • The text on the sign should be short and sweet.

  • Don’t allow your design to look cluttered because that can distract customers from the message.

  • Include high contrast colors and text in the sign, and don’t forget your logo.


Ways to Use Custom Yard Signs

When we think of yard signs, it's hard not to think about politics and elections. But political yard signs aren’t the only ones that can look eye-catching. Less expensive but still engaging company yard signs can work wonders and convey the most important things to your customers. After all, your sign is a reflection of you and your values. A well-made, high-quality, and durable yard sign helps your company convey those exact same qualities to your target audience.

Here are some of the best ways a business can use its yard sign to attract new customers.

  • Announcing events: your yard sign can serve as a miniature billboard informing your target audience of when you’ll be doing new events, etc.

  • This could also include advertising new sales, specials, and discounts. For this type of advertising sign, you’ll want to place it in high visibility areas. For instance, near your store.

  • Suppose your business is new and is planning a grand opening. In that case, you can also use a custom yard sign to let people know that you are open and ready for business.

  • Project announcements: especially if it involves contractors, you'll want to direct certain people away from areas that are off-limits.

  • If you’re selling real estate, yard signs are essential for getting the attention of passersby and making them aware of your property’s status. For example: “sold,” “for sale,” or “on sale soon.”

  • Spreading the Word: You should ask your customers if they would place your sign in their yard for a while (after you’ve already done a service for them, of course). It’s basically a customer endorsement and will spread further awareness of your brand.



If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to target your local audience, create brand awareness, and save as much money as possible, yard signs can be the perfect solution.

Midtown Signs is a midwest sign company in Kansas City. If you need help creating a beautiful, high-quality sign that gets results, contact us for a free quote today. Now is the time to start creating signs that will help grow your business.


