Grand Carnivale monument sign

Yes, visibility is important in promoting your brand online and offline. The competition is tough nowadays, so you have to tap on both social media and traditional advertising to get more customers to your doorstep. 

With that being said, monument signs help you attract customers without having to chase them. Using commercial signs and graphics in promoting your business is very effective in brand awareness, and a monument sign can help you introduce your business to your target customers.

What Is a Monument Sign?

A monument sign is one type of traditional or offline advertising that has a low profile or is built near the ground. With that in mind, it’s also commonly referred to as a ground sign or signage usually made of stainless steel, wood, metal, brick, stone, or other similar materials.

Signage is very important to spread the word about your business. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small or big business; your signage will always work to your advantage giving you 24/7 visibility. In addition, certain signs can be illuminated, especially at night, to grab customers’ attention.

Monument signs are highly functional and can provide great value for your business, no matter what industry you’re in. More so, having monument signs will give your customers the impression that you are a reputable and legitimate business.

Monument signs follow certain city code height regulations depending on your goals. These are typically installed in busy traffic areas or near office buildings.

How to Choose the Best Monument Signs for Your Business

When you’re trying to formulate a strategy to promote your business, choosing a monument sign that screams “Buy Now!” is mission-critical for your business. 

A lot of entrepreneurs or business owners tend to get overwhelmed with the little details involved with monument signs. So, these little details tend to be overlooked or forgotten. Here are a couple of things to consider when choosing the best monuments signs for your business:


It’s easy to get too excited and squeeze every idea you have into a monument sign. 

However, bombarding your signage with too many commercial signs and graphics may work against your branding strategy because it can get too overwhelming to look at. Remember what they say – less is definitely more.

The goal of every advertisement or signage is to connect with your audience in a digestible format. With that being said, you need information that is quick and easy to understand. You can never go wrong with the basics – so stick with it.

Options for design could be classic or modern, making your signage more appealing to today’s generation of shoppers. Monument signs that are well-thought will speak volumes about your business as being legitimate, credible, and solid.

If you are looking for more modern and catchy signage, then it’s best to go for molded plastic material or metal with LED lights that can best capture your brand’s unique voice and style. These monument signs can also have logos, emblems, or graphics that help customers identify your business right away.

Enhanced Visibility

The monument sign should be visible enough in terms of size and distance. This means it should be positioned at eye level. 

Placement and angle are also very important, so you should place the signage where it’s visible such as on the sidewalk or near the building or store entrance. You can do a mock test on your sign’s visibility to check if it’s clear and large enough for your customers to see.

Solid Construction

The construction of your monument sign is crucial to achieving a solid and long-lasting advertisement for your business. Look for materials or elements that give your monument sign that polished look that never goes out of style.

Apart from the usual materials, you can make use of alternative materials that are robust and add that sophisticated look to your business signage, such as concrete block, brick, stone pedestals, armored foam, wood, aluminum, or stucco. 

These materials add that layer of permanence to your business and are also durable and require very little maintenance.


Certain zone restrictions may not permit LED lighting, but if your district has a green light on this, then illuminated signage would be a great bonus factor for your brand visibility, especially at night.

Why Do I Need a Monument Sign?

Monument signs are outdoor signs. Its main purpose is to grab your customers’ attention while they’re driving or passing by. 

Most businesses are located on busy roads or near parking lots. Thus, the goal of a monument sign is to pique customers’ curiosity so they will want to check you out and make that purchase.


Most business owners have monument signs installed in front of parking lots. In fact, you’ll see that some restaurants will put up another sign near their entrance. 

The goal here is mostly to grab driver attention. That is why you have to create eye-catching signs to entice drivers to drive into your business parking lot and buy from your business.

Increased Foot Traffic

Most monument signs attract people who did not have an original intent to buy from your shop. How it usually goes is that the driver just happens to notice your business because of your signage and decides to buy right then and there. 

With a monument sign, you get to speed up not just foot traffic but also purchasing decisions. So, even if a customer stops by just to inquire about your services, they may actually just buy right on the spot.

If the big brands still have monument signs placed in different locations, a new business should definitely have one or more. 

Commercial signs and graphics effectively promote new or unpopular businesses that need exposure to a wider audience. Monument signs serve as a beacon to pull in more people to your store or business.
