A wall mural reading, 'Kansas City, spread good energy'

Your business signage plays a major role in attracting and guiding clients to your location. So it's important to maintain your signage by following the advice below. Do you dread the idea of having to maintain your company's sign? You might be surprised how easy it can be with these tricks for taking care of signs that work! 

There are several ways to care for your signage, but it's important to know the basics before you get started. 

If you know what materials make up your sign, you can take proper steps to clean and protect it. Most signs are made with either plastic or metal components and have a vinyl face with a protective coating applied. This coating is often referred to as a "laminate" because the protective material is laminated between the vinyl and metal. 

Follow these 7 tips from our Midwest sign company in Kansas city for caring for, storing, and cleaning your sign, so you can save some time and avoid a costly mistake down the line.

1. Use the Right Cleaners

There are several cleaners for signs that you can find at your local hardware store. These cleaners come in all different shapes, sizes, and formulas to fit your individual needs. Some come in spray bottles, while others are packaged in a foam or soft pad. If you are concerned about the strength of the cleaner on your sign, be sure to test a small area before applying it over the whole sign. 

A test patch is a great way to check the strength of the cleaner and gauge how well it will maintain the integrity of your sign. Many cleaners come with a polishing pad that you can use to get in between all of your letters and artwork, making it easier to get every inch of your sign clean. 

Some materials, such as vinyl and metal, do not respond well to harsh chemicals like ammonia-based cleaners. If you are trying to clean these materials, be sure to have an ammonia-free cleaner on hand. Some cleaners may not be as effective as they claim to be, so test them with a small area first.

2. Know Your Signs

The type of sign you have can make a big difference in how it will respond to different cleaners. Because the materials are typically different, the cleaner you use might react differently to each type of sign. 

You should always read the label carefully before buying and using any brand of cleaner for your sign. Different materials tend to respond better to different types of cleaners. If you are concerned about your sign, be sure to check the label of any cleaner before using it.

3. Watch the Weather

If you have a long-lasting sign, you'll want to use extra caution in cleaning and storing it during various weather conditions. Signs can weather when left outside in the sun and rain over many years or even months. Even if you manage to clean your sign well, keeping it off of your building can help prevent weathering. 

In case it starts to show signs of weathering, you can use a soft cloth or towel to gently wipe the surface. If you see any scratches or scuffs on your sign, try to clean them with a fine-grit sandpaper or emery cloth before restoring the shine.

4. Know Your Materials

Before you start cleaning your sign, make sure you know what type of material it is made from. If it's vinyl, use a vinyl cleaner designed for vinyl signs. If it is metal, use a metal cleaner designed for metal signs.

 Be sure to test any cleaner on a small area of your sign before using it on the entire sign. It can also be helpful to look at the material that your sign is made from as well as where it's located. Some signs attach directly to buildings or fencing, and others are placed out in the open, exposed to the elements.

5. Be Patient

If you're a little hesitant about cleaning your sign, remember that yours is the one that's most visible to your clients. You'd want others to have a well-cared-for sign that lasts as long as possible, so make sure to be patient if you find it difficult to clean or store. If you're having trouble with your sign, look for a professional to help.

6. Clean the Signs Regularly

You can find a multitude of cleaning products for signs and other outdoor materials. These products come in spray bottles, pads, wipes, or other types of solutions that help you to clean your signage. You should follow the directions on the label before using these cleaners on your sign or other metal surfaces. 

Letting your sign sit in one place for too long can cause it to fade over time. Thankfully, you can clean these areas with a soft cloth to bring them back to life. You can also use some vinegar and water to remove dust or fingerprints from your sign. 

If you have a graffiti problem, consider using a product designed for graffiti removal from surfaces such as glass or metal signs. The product should be able to remove the graffiti easily without damaging the surface of your sign. The product might not be long-lasting as the original vinyl on your sign, so it may look dull after using it to remove graffiti.

7. Clean the Areas Around Your Sign

A sign needs to be properly cared for, but so do the areas around it. It's important to clean up any dust and leaves before they accumulate on your sign. If you allow dirt or leaves to collect on your sign, it could result in damaging streaks. While you're busy cleaning your sign and getting rid of any particles, look at the areas around it as well.

Choose Midtown Signs

Midtown Signs is a Midwest sign company in Kansas City, and we are your best option for any sign service you need. We will make sure your signs still look great and last as long as possible by providing our maintenance and upkeep services. From changing light bulbs to buffing out scratches, let us help how we can. 

Contact us today for all of your signage needs! At our Midwest sign company in Kansas City, we also offer complete signage projects, including design, printing, and installation.
