Now that we've all agreed on how important a physical sign do you choose? There are so many options! It can get overwhelming. If you have a really specific brand guide set into place, it can narrow it down. Either way, there are some things to think about:

  1. Color - According to Sapna Budev, director of strategic initiatives for a Virginia-based sign company, "Studies have shown that 80 percent of the recognition of a trademark is due to its color." Colors are powerful and the key to any successful signage is to strategically implement colors that engage and excite.

  2. Contrast - You want your sign to be easily read as people quickly drive by or are at a distance. A high contrast makes for a high readability. Use a dark background with light text or vis-a-versa.

  3. Size - Go big or go home. The larger the sign, the easier it is to read. Smaller signs are great too to give a more sophisticated look. It just depends on how far away you want the sign to be read. You will also want to check on sign restrictions put in place by your city or even your landlord.

Of course, these aren't the only three things to consider! Placement, lighting, and materials are also big decisions to be made. Another topic for another day. 

Again, we'd love to help you from start to finish with your sign. We're the experts and we'll guide you every step of the way. After all, we love signs!
